We are excited to announce our plans to expand our One House, One Family at a Time Project to directly benefit climate displaced families. We began this project with our partners YPSA in Bangladesh and have built homes for more than 50 people thus far, and are deep into Phase 3 of OHOF-Bangladesh. If you would like to contribute to this project, please be in contact and we will walk you through the process: info@displacementsolutions.org.
We are now in the process of planning to launch three new OHOF Projects in 2022 – OHOF-Papua New Guinea, OHOF-India and OHOF-Sri Lanka. We will have a lot more to report next year but wanted to let everyone know that this world’s first programme designed to directly benefit climate displaced families funded entirely by ordinary people who want to make a difference is strong and growing. Top achieve our results we need your help, so please do consider making a donation and know that – as always – DS takes no funds for this project and does the work associated with it on a voluntary basis meaning that 100% of your contribution goes straight to the countries where the housing construction takes place.
Please join us!