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Revealed at Last – Burma’s HLP Legal Code

Download or order the new book by Displacement Solutions – Housing, Land and Property Rights in Burma: The Current Legal Framework, prepared by Scott Leckie and Ezekiel Simperingham

Here’s what people are saying about the book:

“This sounds like a wonderful project, and a timely

and extremely useful book” – Zunetta Liddel

“Congratulations for finishing this major work” – Stew Manley

“I am pleased to hear this important book is now published” – Alan Smith

“Great job, very impressive” – Roger Normand

“Congratulations on your mammoth effort to publish this book! I look forward to reading this important resource.” – Nancy Hudson-Rodd

“I have to say that it’s a really impressive – and incredibly useful – volume. Congratulations on all your hard work, and for bringing this to print!” – Richard Horsey

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