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DS Designs World’s First HLP Restitution SmartPhone App

DS and our partners Tech Solutions Human Rights ( continue our collaborative work on developing a Mobile phone App which will, for the first time, enable any refugee or IDP with outstanding or unresolved housing, land or property restitution issues to formulate a claim through use of the My Home App ©. The My Home App © will link to a secure database which will enable your organisation to run custom data analytics that could be used for both qualitative and quantitative advocacy. The design of the data system enables users to gain meaningful insight without having to have a background in IT. We are continuing this work that has been underway since 2018 and we are currently seeking partners to work with us to bring the My Home App © into use. If your UN agency, government or other organisation would be interested in working with us to make the My Home App © functional, please be in touch –

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