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DS Director Scott Leckie teaches regular law school courses on Climate Change and Human Rights at four of the world’s leading law schools.

At the University of Melbourne Law School he teaches Climate Change and Human Rights with the next course to be offered in September 2017, and a similar course on Climate Change and Displacement at the Australian National University (ANU) College of Law also to be offered in September 2017. He will teach a course entitled Climate Governance and Citizen Justice at Monash Law School in September 2016. In March 2015, he taught a composite version of these two courses at Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand. As far as we are aware, these are the first recurrent law school courses anywhere in the world to focus on the human rights and displacement aspects of climate change.

Since the first offering of the course in 2010, Scott Leckie has provided this course to more than 300 students at these various schools.

Principal topics in these courses include:

  • Climate change and human rights: Theory, perspectives and predictions

  • The reality of the human rights impacts of climate change

  • International law and climate change

  • Housing, Land and Property rights dimensions of climate displacement

  • Climate change solutions in practice: Protecting the rights of communities threatened by climate change; role-play classroom exercises on resolving climate displacement

  • Human rights mechanisms for addressing climate displacement

  • Land acquisition as a primary solution to climate displacement

  • Classroom debate on a new convention on human rights and climate change: good or bad idea?


To access information on the University of Melbourne Law School course, click here.

To access information on the Australian National University College of Law course, click here.

To access information on the Monash Law School course, click here.

If your law school or university is interested in hosting a similar course to be taught by Mr. Leckie, please contact us at


Selected Comments from Students

“This was hands down, the most interesting and informative course I have undertaken in my University career. It’s extremely important to raise awareness about climate displacement and motivate people to take action, and you very much did that for all us, throughout the course. Thank you for being so passionate and inspirational!”

“Scott is a very engaging lecturer and clearly passionate about the topic. I found him to be delightfully quirky.”

“Group discussion and teaching method were excellent. Every student in the class has actively participated in raising and addressing issues raised in relation to the subject.”

“The course was very diverse and stimulating.”

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