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Exploring the Rights of Climate Displaced Persons.
By Scott Leckie and Shaun Butta

Exploring the Rights of Climate Displaced Persons is based on 20 years of the authors’ field experience working with communities impacted by displacement and climate change. This new book sets out a range of forward-looking proposals that urge governments, the UN and civil society to more creatively tackle a growing problem that will affect well over one billion people across the world.


Among the proposals put forth, the authors urge governments to establish well-funded climate displacement ministries and encourage civil society to intensify litigation of the housing, land, and property rights consequences of climate displacement. In addition, the authors prescribe a range of practical, rights-based land solutions in response to the loss of homes of vulnerable people across the world. 

Available soon through Ethics Press

One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 1)
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One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 1)

One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 1)

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One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 2)

One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 2)

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One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 3)

One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 3)

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One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 4)

One House, One Family – Phase 4 (Part 4)

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Be Part of the Solution! 


Support our One House, One Family (OHOF) at a Time Project in Bangladesh


Together with our Partners Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) we have built 14 houses for highly vulnerable climate displaced families in coastal areas of Bangladesh. We are now commencing OHOF Phase 4 where we plan to build an additional 16 homes.


We need to raise USD 101,000 to provide new, lifelong homes to 16 climate displaced families.


If you ever wanted to DO SOMETHING for climate displaced people, this is your chance to be part of the solution to climate displacement.


You can support the initiative by donating to our GoFundMe campaign.


If you would like to contribute directly, please be in touch


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​Since their approval on 18 August 2013, the Peninsula Principles on Climate Displacement Within States have had a major impact across many sectors involved in climate displacement matters. Translated into fifteen languages and distributed widely, the Principles have been repeatedly referred to at the UN and other organs of the international community as a leading normative source of guidance for governments and civil society seeking to prevent and address climate displacement. 


Now, some ten years after their emergence, the Peninsula Principles remain more needed than ever as climate threats worsen with each passing year.


Estimates of how many people will face climate displacement made in 2013 now seem wishful thinking, with current projections routinely topping more than one billion people who will need to move as the effects of climate change further take root. 

In 2023, Displacement Solutions and our partners and associates around the world are commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Principles. We are again urging governments, the UN and civil society at all levels to re-visit the Principles and apply with the vigour they require to protect everyone against displacement caused by climate change.


The Peninsula Principles comprise 18 fundamental principles, formulated into three categories – pre-displacement, mid-displacement and post-displacement – all grounded in pre-existing international human rights laws. They are designed to assist governments to better protect the housing, land and property rights of people and communities affected by climate displacement and to empower these same people and communities to formulate their demands for climate justice in ways fully consistent with their rights under human rights law and the obligations incumbent on governments to respect, protect and fulfil them. 

United Nations
Slum Dwellers
Changing World Map
Coastal Kids



Climate Displacement Webinar - Europe

Climate Displacement Webinar - Europe

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Climate Displacement Webinar - A Meeting of Drafters

Climate Displacement Webinar - A Meeting of Drafters

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Climate Displacement Webinar - Asia

Climate Displacement Webinar - Asia

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Climate Displacement Webinar - Pacific Islands

Climate Displacement Webinar - Pacific Islands

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Climate Displacement Webinar - Africa

Climate Displacement Webinar - Africa

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DS is happy to announce a new programme which will offer personalised and tailored training programmes, mentoring and teaching on all aspects of the issues we work on every day.

If you, your organisation, your students or your company are interested in learning more about HLP rights, climate displacement, human rights and other issues, please drop us a line and we can set up a meeting to discuss your wishes and needs.

This programme is open to individuals and groups. Subject to interest, DS also plans to offer an online course on HLP Rights once a year.



Displacement Solutions (DS) works to empower displaced people and refugees to exercise their right to return and have restored to them their original homes, lands and properties. DS works together with and on behalf of people who have been displaced not only by conflict, forced eviction or other human rights abuses, but also natural disaster, climate change or other circumstances beyond their control. DS assists in finding alternative solutions such as compensation or resettlement if this is their wish. Read more…


This short four-minute DS film about land solutions to climate displacement provides a short overview of why land lies at the core of repairing climate displacement and how much land the world will need to find solutions for the world’s growing climate displaced population.

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Climate displacement is happening today. Research carried out by Displacement Solutions since 2008 in all corners of the earth has revealed the worrying scale of contemporary climate displacement that is already affecting millions of people across the globe. DS has developed a world displacement map indicating where climate displacement is occurring, the number of people it is currently affecting, and other sources of information about these growing numbers of areas, all of which require greater attention and support from the international community.

The map enables viewers to click on various climate displacement hotspots, and provides the user with detailed information about the particular challenges facing the affected communities. If you have further information about climate displacement in your location, please feel free to submit this to Displacement Solutions for possible inclusion in updating versions of the world climate displacement map.

We hope viewers will find this map useful and we welcome any feedback you would like to provide, which you can submit to

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